I provide embodied psychotherapy CPD opportunities throughout the year by organising various workshops in the south-west. The workshops are designed for body psychotherapists and other practitioners interested in embodied relationship. They will include discussion, experiential work, and supervision.
If you would like further information about any of our workshops then please contact Clare Brook at clare_brook@yahoo.co.uk. Alternatively follow this link to the online booking form.
September 8th – 9th 2018 – a weekend workshop with Nick Totton entitled “Relational Body-Focused Skills Practice” and is for anyone who wants to strengthen and develop their ability to work in a relational and body-focused way with clients. It should be suitable both for people who have trained in body psychotherapy, and for those from other modalities who simply have an interest in and attraction to this style. Please see the listing in our events page for more information about this workshop.
October 6th – 7th 2018 – a trauma workshop entitled “An Embodied Integration of Trauma Therapy Approaches” with Morit Heitzler. This weekend is the second part of an earlier workshop that Morit ran in January however new participants are welcome to join the workshop and we will suggest some background reading to cover what was taught in the first workshop. Again there is further information available in the events section of our website.